利福平用于结核病临床日益广泛.引起肝损害的报道亦日渐增多。1975~1982年我们三个医院用利福平共148例,均并用异烟肼,发生不同程度的肝损害34例(占22.97%)。其中发生黄疸者12例(占8.11%) 较一般报道的4~5%为高。12例中,年龄最小者3岁,最大52岁,30岁以下者诊10例。用利福平后黄疸出现的时间最短7天,最长90天.在出现黄疸之前或同时,常伴有一定程度的食欲不振、恶心、呕吐、腹胀和皮肤瘙痒等症状。现将1例黄疸的具体情况报告如下: 例1:王××,女,3岁,住院号40278。诊断“结脑”.用药前查肝功正常,用药INH200m
Rifampicin is increasingly used in the clinical setting of tuberculosis and reports of liver damage are also increasing. From 1975 to 1982, 148 patients were treated with rifampicin in our three hospitals, with 34 patients (accounting for 22.97%) of liver damage with different levels of isoniazid. Jaundice occurred in 12 cases (8.11%) than the commonly reported 4 to 5% is high. Among the 12 cases, the youngest were 3 years old, the oldest was 52 years old and the others under 30 years old were diagnosed as 10 cases. Jaundice with rifampin appears the shortest time 7 days, up to 90 days before or at the same time jaundice, often accompanied by a certain degree of loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal distension and skin itching and other symptoms. A case of jaundice are now reported as follows: Example 1: Wang × ×, female, 3 years old, hospital 40278. Diagnosis “knot brain.” Check liver function normal before treatment, medication INH200m