血液灌流是使血液通过装有活性碳和树脂的灌流器从血液中直接吸附药物或毒物的方法。由于活性碳对多种化合物有强大的亲和力,受蛋白结合率影响较小,对大多数药物和外源性毒物而言,效果优于血液透析。现将我院应用血液灌流技术在有机磷农药中毒的抢救及护理体会报告如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料本组20例,男4例,女16例,年龄20~25岁,均为口服有机磷农药中毒。14例意识模糊,4例昏迷伴大小便失禁,2例昏迷伴四肢抽搐。血胆碱酯酶均低于8个单位以下。经按重度有机磷中毒常规治疗病情未改善而行血液灌流术。1.2 方法开透析机,上好管路,先用生理盐水2 000 ml将血路管、碳肾充满,血流量开至 250 ml/min,尽可能排尽空气(空
Hemoperfusion is a method of direct absorption of drugs or poisons from the blood by passing blood through a cartridge filled with activated charcoal and resin. Because activated carbon has strong affinity for many compounds and is less affected by the protein binding rate, it is better than hemodialysis for most drugs and exogenous toxicants. Now our hospital application of hemoperfusion technology in organophosphate pesticide poisoning and nursing experience is reported below. 1 Clinical data 1.1 General Information The group of 20 patients, 4 males and 16 females, aged 20 to 25 years old, are oral organophosphorus pesticide poisoning. 14 cases of confusion, 4 cases of coma with incontinence, 2 cases of coma with limbs convulsions. Blood cholinesterase were below 8 units. After severe organophosphate poisoning routine treatment did not improve the condition of hemoperfusion. 1.2 Methods dialysis machine, a good pipeline, the first with normal saline 2 000 ml of blood vessels, carbon kidney full, blood flow to 250 ml / min, exhaust as much as possible the air (empty