谷实夜蛾属(Heliothis spp)是一类重要的经济害虫,其中,棉铃虫、烟草芽蛾及美洲棉铃虫是为害最重的虫种。据报道,世界上应用的杀虫剂中约有百分之十被用于该属害虫的防治。由于长期、高强度的药剂选择作用,其抗药性已非常严重,其中,尤以棉铃虫和烟草芽蛾最突出。前者分布较广。在非洲、南欧、东南亚、新西兰、澳大利亚、东太平洋岛均有分布,后者分布在南美洲。两者均为多食性害虫,烟草、棉花、向日葵、大豆等都是它们的适宜寄主。相比之下,棉铃虫的寄主范围更
Heliothis spp is an important economic pest. Among them, the cotton bollworm, tobacco budworm and cotton bollworm are the most harmful insects. It is reported that about 10% of the pesticides used in the world are used for the control of this pest. Due to the long-term, high-intensity selection of medicaments, its resistance has been very serious, among them, especially the cotton bollworm and tobacco bud moth most prominent. The former is widely distributed. In Africa, southern Europe, Southeast Asia, New Zealand, Australia, the East Pacific Islands are distributed, the latter located in South America. Both are multi-food pests, and tobacco, cotton, sunflower, and so on are all suitable hosts for them. In contrast, the bollworm host range more