出版信息资源是构成出版物内容以及出版生产全过程所需信息资源的总称。对出版信息资源可以有两种理解 :一种是狭义的理解 ,即仅指信息内容本身 ;另一种是广义的理解 ,它包括与出版活动紧密相连的各种要素 ,如信息内容、信息设备、信息人员、信息系统、信息网络等。狭义的信息
Publishing information resources constitute the general content of publications and publishing the entire process of production of information resources. There are two understandings of publishing information resources: one is narrow understanding, that is, information content itself; the other is general understanding, which includes all kinds of elements closely related to publishing activities, such as information content, information equipment , Information personnel, information systems, information networks. Narrow information