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在本文看来,马克思哲学中包含着一定的斯宾诺莎因素,这一因素决定并制约着由马克思向斯宾诺莎的回溯空间。从青年黑格尔派到马克思的理论史的梳理将表明,与同样被归之于黑格尔哲学因素、但被马克思确定性地反叛并超越的费希特-鲍威尔因素以及费尔巴哈因素相比,斯宾诺莎及其施特劳斯离马克思哲学更近。承袭费希特主义的鲍威尔、赫斯、切什考夫斯基等的自我意识及其行动哲学,开出的是离弃启蒙精神的民粹主义及无政府主义,费尔巴哈缺乏社会政治批判意识的人本学唯物主义则是启蒙精神的倒退,而施特劳斯所承继的斯宾诺莎的实体论及唯物主义则保留了唯物主义及其基本的启蒙立场,包括斯宾诺莎的生命政治意识,均为马克思一般性地继承。但一旦超出启蒙论域,斯宾诺莎作为马克思哲学的因素,就显得勉强了;马克思哲学中的斯宾诺莎因素止步于唯物史观。 In this paper, Marxist philosophy contains a certain Spinoza factor, a factor that determines and restrain the space back from Marx to Spinoza. The sorting out of the theoretical history of youth sent from Hegel to Marx will show that, in contrast to Fichte-Powell’s factor, which is also attributed to Hegel’s philosophical factor but definitively rebelled and surpassed by Marx, and Feuerbach’s factor In comparison, Spinoza and Strauss are closer to Marxist philosophy. Feuerbach, Hess, Ceske Kozskii and others who followed the Fichte’s self-awareness and their philosophy of action came out with populism and anarchism that abandoned the spirit of enlightenment. Feuerbach lacked the critique of social politics Of humanistic materialism is the retrogression of Enlightenment spirit, and Spinoza’s entity theory and materialism inherited by Strauss retained materialism and its basic enlightenment position, including Spinoza’s life politics Consciousness, are generally inherited by Marx. However, once beyond the scope of Enlightenment, Spinoza as a factor in Marx’s philosophy appears reluctantly; the Spinoza factor in Marx’s philosophy stops at the historical materialism.