
来源 :小学教学设计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lcg512
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教学内容西师版义务教育课程标准实验教科书《小学数学》一年级(上册)第41~43页。教学目标1.通过情境图,引导学生结合已有的生活经验参与探究,体验连加连减的含义,掌握连加连减的计算顺序。2.经历观察比较过程,鼓励学生提出数学问题,培养学生初步的解决简单数学问题的意识和能 Teaching content The teacher version compulsory education curriculum standard experiment textbook “primary school mathematics” first grade (the first volume) the first 41 ~ 43 pages. Teaching Objectives 1. Through the situation map, guide students to participate in the existing life experience to explore, experience the meaning of plus and minus, to master the order of addition and subtraction calculations. 2 through observation and comparison process, encourage students to put forward mathematical problems, develop students’ initial awareness and ability to solve simple mathematical problems
“学霸”这是怎么了?  一个让人意外的消息在校园里不胫而走:张长胜休学了!  张长胜是谁?他休学怎么就让人意外呢?原来,张长胜上高一,是重点高中重点班的班长,学习成绩优秀,身体健康,被同学们尊为“学霸”。学霸级的人物怎么会休学呢?  事出总有因。张长胜从小在赞扬声中长大,小学毕业考入重点初中,上初中后他的成绩更是一路飙升,每次考试不是第一就是第二。老师有感于他的“江湖地位”不可动摇,又因为他的名字