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为民、务实、清廉,是对焦裕禄精神的最简洁和最贴切的表述。此三者是政治对公务员特别是领导人的内在要求。其中,为民是首要的内在要求,因为政治的本旨就是为民,而政府的原初目的就是保护和增进特定政治共同体中民众的权利和福利。为民要求公务员特别是领导人权为民而用、事为民而谋、利为民而取,与民众同甘苦共忧乐,关心民众生活,保障民众权益,提升民众福祉。务实要求公务员特别是领导人把握和尊重自然规律,调研和熟悉社会实情,深入具体地了解民众的生活实况和真实需要,依据生产生活实际制定和实施一切政策。清廉要求公务员特别是领导人公开公正地行政施治,修身自律、洁身自好,不贪不奢、防污防腐。焦裕禄精神具有超越时空的意义。在任何时代和国家,为民、务实、清廉的领导人,相对于广大公务员,都是引人瞩目的标杆、值得效法的榜样、令人景仰的楷模。 For the people, pragmatic, honest, is the most concise and most appropriate expression of the spirit of Jiao Yu. These three are the inherent political demands on civil servants, especially leaders. Among them, serving the people is the primary internal requirement because the essence of politics is for the people, and the original purpose of the government is to protect and promote the rights and welfare of the people in a given political community. We request civil servants, especially those who lead human rights for the people, to seek for the benefit of the people and for the benefit of the people. They work with the public to share common interests and cares, care about the lives of the people, protect the rights and interests of the people, and enhance the well-being of the people. The pragmatic demands that civil servants, especially leaders, grasp and respect laws of nature, investigate and be familiar with social facts, understand people’s livelihoods and real needs in depth and in detail, and formulate and implement all policies based on actual conditions of production and life. The clean government requires civil servants, especially leaders, to administer their affairs openly and impartially, to cultivate self-discipline and be self-reliant. They should neither be excessive nor excessive in their efforts to prevent pollution and prevent corrosion. Jiao Yu spirit has the meaning beyond time and space. In any age and country, people, pragmatism, and incorruptible leaders, as opposed to the general public servants, are striking benchmark, worthy of follow-up role models and impressive examples.
一个年轻美貌的少妇,诈骗银行资金1亿余元。此案从立案到破案历时三年半时间,由于某种原因,直至目前才能披露…… A young and beautiful young woman, fraud bank funds mo