左半结肠癌致急性梗阻时 ,采取何种术式 ,历来存有争议 ,争议的焦点问题是能否保证Ⅰ期切除吻合术后避免吻合口漏这一严重并发症的发生。据统计 ,左半结肠癌梗阻Ⅰ期切除吻合术后吻合口漏率为5 %~35 % [1]。我院自1990年~1999年共收治左半结肠癌致肠梗阻病人3
When left-sided colon cancer causes acute obstruction, what type of surgical procedure has been adopted has historically been controversial. The focus of the debate is whether it can guarantee the occurrence of serious complications of anastomotic leakage after resection and anastomosis. According to statistics, the degree of anastomotic leakage in left-halved colonic obstruction after primary resection and anastomosis is 5% to 35% [1]. Our hospital has treated patients with intestinal obstruction caused by left colon cancer from 1990 to 1999