1 临床资料患者,男,30岁,因胸闷一个多月入院,无发热、咳嗽、咯血。十年前胸透体检提示有:心影增大。胸片检查示:右侧心腰丰满,右心缘中下段自上而下呈囊袋状向右扩大,边缘清楚,内缘与心影紧贴,两膈面清晰。印象:右侧纵隔增宽。胸部CT检查:右侧纵隔内见一130×100×76cm肿
1 Patients with clinical data, male, 30 years old, admitted to hospital because of chest tightness for more than one month, no fever, cough, hemoptysis. Ten years ago chest examination revealed: heart shadow increased. Chest X-ray showed that the right side of the heart and waist was plump, and the middle and lower right margin of the right heart edge was capsular to the right from top to bottom. The edge was clear, and the inner edge was closely attached to the heart shadow. Impression: Widened right mediastinum. Chest CT examination: a 130×100×76cm swollen seen in the right mediastinum