在任何一个国家政治发展中 ,公民的政治参与都存在着参与和不参与并存的局面。现阶段青年的政治不参与存在着一定的危害性和普遍性。青年政治不参与行为的产生有着社会、家庭、学校和青年自身两个方面的原因。激发青年的政治参与热情 ,减少政治不参与行为的发生 ,必须从理论指导、民主法制建设、市场经济和解放思想等几个方面入手。
In any country’s political development, there are both participation and non-participation in the political participation of citizens. There is a certain degree of danger and universality in the political participation of young people at this stage. Youth politics does not participate in the behavior of social, family, school and youth own two reasons. In order to stimulate young people’s enthusiasm for political participation and reduce the incidence of political non-participation, we must start with theoretical guidance, construction of democracy and legal system, market economy and emancipation of the mind.