病历摘要何某,男,17岁,炮手,湖北籍。患者1980年初到寒区,两个多月后双手近侧指关节红肿疼病。手指掌侧和耳廓出现紫红色斑,刺痒,灼痛,肿胀。接触冷水时,上肢疼痛青紫,不敢用冷水洗物。不久,双肘、肩、膝关节先后红肿疼痛,此起彼伏。耳廓紫红斑块渐退,但手指掌侧紫红斑块破溃。常发热,鼻衄。食欲不振,恶心呕吐,腹痛腹泻。体质逐渐消瘦,2个月体重下降5kg 多。1980年4月12日住院。患者发病前无咽痛及发热,平素健康。无肝炎、痢疾、血吸虫病病史。查体:体温37.5℃,脉搏100次,血压110/70。神智清楚,精神萎靡,消瘦。毛发稀疏、干燥、
Medical summary Hemou, male, 17 years old, gunner, Hubei nationality. Patients first arrived in the cold area in 1980, more than two months after the hands of the proximal knuckle swelling and pain. Finger palm and pinna appear purple spots, itching, burning, swelling. When exposed to cold water, upper limb pain bruising, afraid to wash with cold water. Soon, elbows, shoulders, knees have swelling and pain, one after another. Erectile red purple patches recede, but the fingers palmar purple patches rupture. Often fever, epistaxis. Loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea. Gradual weight loss, weight loss 2kg more than 2 months. April 12, 1980 hospitalization. Before the onset of patients without sore throat and fever, usually healthy. No hepatitis, dysentery, schistosomiasis history. Physical examination: body temperature 37.5 ℃, pulse 100 times, blood pressure 110/70. Clever, apathetic, weight loss. Thin hair, dry,