The Art Newspaper年初发表一篇评论文章《今年的艺术市场状况难以预测》,文中谈到目前波及全球的经济危机给艺术市场带来巨大的影响。全球经济危机带来投资者的恐慌,美国大萧条被正式证实,全美的失业人数仅那一个月就飙升了53.3万人。裁员、歇业,成为许多画廊的权宜之计,包括纽约
The Art Newspaper released a commentary entitled “This year’s unpredictable art market conditions,” which states that the current global economic crisis has had a huge impact on the art market. The global economic crisis brought investors panic. The Great Depression in the United States was officially confirmed. The number of unemployed in the United States soared by 533,000 in that month alone. Layoffs, layoffs, become a stopgap measure for many galleries, including New York