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一、本省自解放以来,经过发动群众进行支前、剿匪、反霸、肃特、生产救灾等工作,土匪大体肃清,社会秩序基本安定,广大群众有了各种组织,新区各县已先后开过一次至三次各界人民代表会议和一次至两次的农民代表会。陕北老区土地改革业经完成,各县并进行了普选,召开了人民代表大会,因之群众觉悟普遍提高。为了健全民主制度广泛发扬民主,密切人民与政府的联系,加速恢复与发展生产及有步骤的进行新区土地改革工作,经本府第十三次行政会议提议,呈请西北军政委员会转呈中央人民政府批准,定于本年八月一日召开本省首屈各界人民代表会议,并代行省人民代表大会职权,听取审核人民政府工作报告,与财政收支概算,讨论并通过新区土地改革和开展生产建设计划,选举省人民政府主席副主席及委员。组成省人民政府委员会,选举省人民协商委员会主席、副主席及委员,组成省人民协商委员会。二、代表名额共为五○○名,其资格与产生方法按照中央人民政府颁布之「省各界人民代表会议组织通则」第三、第四条(附后)规定执行。兹将代表产生的类别及名额分别于后: First, since the liberation of the province, mobilizing the masses to carry out such tasks as pre-war, banditry, anti-hegemonism, and desert and disaster relief has basically eliminated the bandits and basically stabilized the social order. The broad masses have various organizations and counties have successively opened Once or three times the people’s congress of all walks of life and once or twice farmer representative. The reform of the land in the old district of northern Shaanxi has been completed. The counties also conducted general election and held the people’s congress because of their general improvement. In order to perfect the democratic system to carry forward democracy extensively, to establish close ties between the people and the government, to speed up the recovery and development of production and to carry out the step-by-step reform of the land in the New Zone, the Northwest Military and Political Committee petitioned the 13th Central Executive Council for submission to the Central People’s Government It is scheduled to hold the meeting of the people’s congresses of all the leading cadres in the province on August 1 this year and take the authority of the provincial people’s congress to listen to and review the work reports of the people’s government and the estimated budget of revenues and expenditures so as to discuss and pass the land readjustment and production and construction Plan, elect the vice chairman and member of the provincial people’s government. Provincial People’s Government formed a committee, elected the provincial people’s Consultative Committee chairman, vice chairman and member, the provincial people’s Consultative Committee. 2. The total number of deputies is 50,000, and their qualifications and production methods shall be implemented in accordance with the provisions of Articles 3 and 4 (the latter) of the General Rules for the Organization of People’s Congresses of Various Departments promulgated by the Central People’s Government. The types and places of representatives will be set out below:
  The orientation-dependent strong-field ionization of CO molecules is investigated using the fully propagated three-dimensional time-dependent Hartree-Fock t
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在目前的英语教学中,因为教学模式的单一,以及教师在教学时的重视,导致学生的英语写作水平一直处于一个较低的水平。作文在高中英语的学习中起着非常重要的作用,所以,教师应选择合理有效的方法,提升高中生的英语写作水平。  1. 增加词汇量,为写作奠定基础  在英语的学习过程中,无论是对阅读还是写作,词汇都有着举足轻重的地位。若想提升学生的英语写作技能,教师在授课的过程中要采取循序渐进的方式帮助学生记单词。
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  We simulate the time-dependent Schr(o)dinger equation and observe the rescattering dissociation of H2 in strong infrared laser fields.Two dissociation pathw