磺溴酞钠(BSP)试验的副作用并非少见。据日本某机构在5年间的统计,在4,796例中出现副作用者有50例(1%)常见是血管痛,轻度恶心,静脉炎及皮疹,呈休克症状者极罕见。 1.BSP过敏试验:以前常用皮试法(单刺法或乱刺法)。即持一滴BSP液滴在前臂屈侧,用注射针刺皮肤出血,仅仅达到使药液渗透进去后,即擦掉多余BSP液。在对侧同一部位用生理盐水作对照。30分钟后观察红斑。用此法可简便地判定是否过敏。上田等用皮内反应方法:用0.005%BSP的生理盐水稀释液0.1毫升皮内注射,并用生理盐水对照。15~30分钟后或24~48小时后如产生红、肿、硬结
The side effects of the sodium sulfochromate (BSP) test are not uncommon. According to the statistics of a Japanese institution in 5 years, 50 (1%) of the 4,796 patients with side effects are common with angina, mild nausea, phlebitis and rash. 1.BSP allergy test: skin test method used before (single-prick method or prick method). That is holding a drop of BSP droplets in the flexor side of the forearm, needle puncture the skin bleeding, just to make the liquid infiltrated into, that is, wipe off excess BSP solution. In the same contralateral contralateral saline control. Erythema observed after 30 minutes. This method can easily determine whether the allergy. Ueda and other intradermal reaction method: 0.005% BSP saline diluted 0.1 ml intradermal injection, and saline control. After 15 to 30 minutes or 24 to 48 hours after as red, swollen, induration