为了进一步实现“建立近海立体化海军,实现舰艇导弹化、反潜立体化、指挥自动化”的目标,台湾海军近几年在加紧发展与调整。 台湾海军现有总兵力6.8万人(含海军陆战队3.1万人),编有7个舰队(第1、第2驱逐舰队,第1、第2巡防舰队,以及登陆舰队、水雷舰队和勤务舰队各一个),1个潜艇战队,7个艇队(3个巡防艇队,以及导弹艇大队、小艇大队、登陆艇队、陆站队机械化登陆艇队各一个),2个反潜直升机大队,1个反潜机大队(台空军1999年7月将24架S-2T固定翼反潜机移交海军后成立);岸勤部队主要有1个岸舰导弹大队、6个雷达中队以及通信、气象、海洋测量等分队;海军陆战队辖有2个陆战师、1个
In order to further realize the goal of “establishing a naval navy in the vicinity of the sea and realizing missile navigationalization, anti-submarine integration and command automation”, the Taiwan navy has been stepping up its development and adjustment in recent years. Taiwan’s navy now has a combined total of 68,000 troops (including 31,000 Marine Corps) and has seven fleets (1st and 2nd destroyer, 1st and 2nd patrols, as well as Landing Fleet, Water Fleet and Service Fleet One for each submarine team, seven submarine teams (three patrol boat teams, one for missile boat battalion, one small boat battalion, one for landing boat team and one for ground station mechanized landing boat team), two anti-submarine helicopter battalions and one antisubmarine aircraft The brigade (established by Taiwan’s air force in July 1999 after transposing 24 S-2T fixed-wing anti-submarine aircraft to the Navy); there are mainly one shore-based missile brigade, six radar squadrons and communications, meteorological and oceanographic detachments; Marine Corps jurisdiction 2 Marine Division, 1