In every exam, we always find it regrettable that many students fail to understand the meaning of the questions and blindly solve the problems because they fail to understand the requirements of the questions. As soon as we read the title, they immediately understood it. This kind of “one can understand, one done wrong, a little will ” phenomenon abound. Teachers and parents are complaining about children are not careful, carelessly caused. In fact, in carelessness, sloppy exposure is the weakness of the ability of students in exams. There is a very important process from the students to see the topic to the solution to the problem, the process is a trial and error. Examination of the level of ability, a direct impact on the ability of students to solve problems. Therefore, cultivation of ability to solve the problem is crucial. First, repeated reading - examining the premise we often find that students look like extra-curricular reading as the eyes swept away, it is eager to write, and according to their own