本赛季,22岁的德韦尼·威德作为热队的主力控卫,凭借优异的表现不仅入选年度最佳新秀阵容,还成为唯一一个率队杀入季后赛第二轮的一年级新星。虽然在常规赛的大多数时间里,威德的光芒都被詹姆斯和安东尼所掩盖,但在剑拔弩张的季后赛,他终于用无所畏惧的突破和无比冷静的绝杀为自己正名。 看威德在季后赛中为总冠军那微弱的曙光而奋力拼争的样子,我们会很自然地联想到初生牛犊时的艾弗森,他们身上似乎共存着一种坚毅而苦难的气息。巧合的是,威德也选择了3号球衣,不知这是否注定成为历史的轮回。
This season, 22-year-old Dewey Wade as the Heat’s main point guard, with outstanding performance not only selected the rookie of the year, but also became the only team led the second round of the playoffs to reach the first-grade new star . Although Wade’s glow was overshadowed by James and Anthony most of the regular season, he finally claimed his name for fearless breakthroughs and incredibly cool lore in the tense playoffs. Look at Weeder in the playoffs for the faint dawn of the championship and struggled look, we will naturally think of Iverson when the newborn calves, who seem to coexist with a determination and suffering atmosphere. Coincidentally, Weide also chose No. 3 jersey, I wonder if this is destined to become a reincarnation of history.