加拿利海枣(Phoenix cananiensi)原产加那利群岛,树干高大,直立雄伟,叶片羽状细裂,簇生顶端,树冠宽大整齐。其最突出的优点是耐寒,成年树可耐-10℃低温,为我国长江以北部分城市营造热带风景,增加绿化美化的风格和档次,提供了新的植物材料。除用于室外绿化美化外,中小苗盆栽后也是很
Canadian date palm (Phoenix cananiensi) native to the Canary Islands, tall trunk, majestic erect, leaf pinnate, cluster top, large and tidy crown. Its most prominent advantage is cold, adult trees can withstand -10 ℃ low temperature, for our part of the city north of the Yangtze River to create tropical landscapes, increasing the style and grade of landscaping, providing new plant materials. In addition to outdoor landscaping, small and medium-sized seedlings pot is also very