狐尾天门冬,又名狐尾武竹、美伯氏密花天门冬,为百合科天门冬属多年生草本植物。其枝叶呈圆筒形,似柔软蓬松狐尾而得名。观赏价值较高,为近几年新流行的著名切叶植物。 一、生物学特性 狐尾天门冬株高 60厘米,具纺缍形肉质根,根状茎短,茎直立,枝状叶呈细针形,密生,
Foxtail asparagus, also known as foxtailuochu, mirabilis dense astigmatism, Liliaceae asparagus is a perennial herb. The branches are cylindrical, soft fluffy fox tail named. High ornamental value, as the popular new popular cut plants in recent years. First, the biological characteristics of Foxtail asparagus plant height of 60 cm, with spin-shaped fleshy roots, short rhizomes, stems erect, branched leaves were fine needle, dense,