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进入新世纪以来,底层书写越来越成为关注的焦点,其中农民工题材写作毫无疑问成为底层叙事的一大重要分支。刘翼平的《脚手架》就是以纪实性报告文学的形式,讲述了上世纪80年代以来一批湖南零陵人背井离乡上广西打工讨生活的人生经历,生动地描绘出湘南农村如诗如画美景背后的生存艰辛,形象地再现了潇湘大地一代农民进城之路挣扎裂变的生命图景,堪称为一部人文关怀下的底层叙事作品,隐含着作家对城市化语境下农民工命运的关注与思考。 Since the beginning of the new century, the writing at the bottom has become the focus of attention. The writing of migrant workers has undoubtedly become a major branch of the underlying narrative. Liu Yiping’s “scaffolding” is based on documentary reportage, which tells the story of a group of Hunan Lingling people who left their hometown to work and discuss their livelihood in the 1980s. It vividly depicts the survival behind the picturesque beauty of the southern Hunan countryside Painstakingly and figuratively reproducing the picture of the struggling fission of the peasants in Xiaoxiang, a generation of peasants entering the city, it can be regarded as the underlying narrative work under the care of human beings, which implies the concern and consideration of writers about the fate of migrant workers under the context of urbanization .
[摘要]宏观调控是国家基本经济职能之一,市场机制由于其天生的缺陷性,需要国家宏观调控。国家调控经济的手段多种多样,但税法以其特有的调节经济功能以及法律强制与广泛灵活相结合的特点表明一无论是维护效率市场的运转,还是解决深层次的经济问题,税法都有其较大的作用空间,因此,优化税法宏观调控功能成为政府宏观调控经济的理想选择手段之一。  [关键词]税法 税收 宏观调控    一、税法与税收关系    税法是