编者按 近两年来,全国供电系统普遍开展了城网建设改造工程。目前看,不少供电企业已经取得了初步成效,而大多数企业尚在探索中前进。在这种形势下,中国电力企业联合会供电分会组织了一次对城网建设改造工程管理的专题调研,并综合了杭州、武汉、厦门、昆明、包头、咸宁、安阳、孝感、乐山、蚌埠、佳木斯、齐齐哈尔等供电企业的基本经验以及发现的问题,形成了调研报告,现予摘要发表。
Editors According to the past two years, the nationwide power supply system has generally carried out the construction and renovation of urban networks. At present, many power supply companies have achieved initial results, and most companies are still advancing in exploration. In this situation, the China Electricity Council federation sub-committee organized a special survey on the management of the city’s network construction and reconstruction project, and integrated Hangzhou, Wuhan, Xiamen, Kunming, Baotou, Xianning, Anyang, Xiaogan, Leshan, and Handan. The basic experience of power supply companies such as Jiamusi and Qiqihar, as well as the problems found, formed a research report and is now being published in summary form.