在国人期盼的目光中,黄河小浪底工程胜利截流了。这是一件值得庆贺的大事。千百年来,人们把黄河安澜的希望寄托于清官、盛世,但是历史证明,真正大规模、有成效地治理、开发黄河,只有在中国共产党领导下的新中国才变成了现实。象小浪底这样跨世纪的大型工程,能取得今天这样的成果,如果没有党的正确领导、国家的科学决策,如果没有改革开放的大环境和日益增强的综合国力,是无法想象的。在工程建设的过程中,千千万万的我国工程技术人员和施工人员,发扬主人翁精神,战胜重重困难,用热血和汗水筑成了巍巍大坝。 小浪底又是一个国际大舞台,来自51个国家的承包商与我们同场竞技。在工程管理与国际惯例接轨的过程中,我们经历过痛苦,付出过代价,但更多的是警醒,是收获。下面刊登的长篇通讯,从一个侧面反映了小浪底工程留给我们的思索。
In the eyes of people looking forward to, the Yellow River Xiaolangdi project closure of the victory. This is a memorable event. For thousands of years, people have pinned their hopes on peace and prosperity in the Yellow River. However, history shows that it is only under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party that the new China has become a reality under a real-scale and effective management and development of the Yellow River. Such a large-scale project as the cross-century of Xiaolangdi can bring about such a result today. Without the correct leadership of the party, the state’s scientific decision-making can not be imagined without the general environment of reform and opening up and the ever-increasing comprehensive national strength. In the process of project construction, thousands of Chinese engineers, technicians and constructors have developed their own mastership and overcome numerous difficulties. They have built huge dams using their blood and sweat. Xiaolangdi is another big international arena, with contractors from 51 countries competing with us. In the process of integrating project management with international practice, we have experienced pain and paid a price, but we are more alert and gainful. The following newsletter published from a side reflect the Xiaolangdi project left us thinking.