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目的本研究以北京市某区居民为调查对象,调查其社区卫生服务认知度、使用度及满意度情况,并分析影响因素。方法本研究涉及北京市某区居民500人,随机拦截该区全部社区卫生服务中心周边及附近小区内居民进行问卷调查。本次调查共发放问卷500份,回收问卷500份,问卷回收率100.00%,回收问卷中有效问卷479份,数据有效率为95.80%。应用统计软件SAS 9.3对479份有效问卷进行分析,认知度、使用度、满意度情况采用描述性方法分析。影响因素分析采用多元线性回归方法分析,检验水准设为0.05。结果本次调查居民平均年龄为57.74岁。调查发现,预防接种(4.39±1.64)认知度得分最高,基本医疗服务(3.18±2.41)使用度得分最高,家庭医生式服务(4.76±0.43)满意度平均得分最高。就诊次数、户口类型、文化程度、疾病首诊机构为居民社区卫生服务认知度的影响因素,年龄、性别、就诊次数、户口类型、医疗保险类型、是否患有慢病、疾病首诊机构为居民社区卫生服务使用度的影响因素,年龄、性别、医疗保险类型、疾病首诊机构为居民社区卫生服务满意度的影响因素。结论社区卫生服务中心为主要首诊机构,服务可及性较好;居民社区卫生服务认知度有所差异,使用度整体偏低;居民社区卫生服务满意度整体较好;认知度、使用度、满意度影响因素各有差异。 Aim In this study, residents in a district of Beijing were investigated to investigate the awareness, use and satisfaction of community health services, and to analyze the influencing factors. Methods The study involved 500 residents in a certain district of Beijing and randomly intercepted all the residents in the neighborhood and nearby communities in all community health service centers in the district for a questionnaire survey. The survey sent 500 questionnaires, 500 questionnaires were collected, the questionnaire recovery rate was 100.00%, 479 valid questionnaires were recovered, and the data efficiency was 95.80%. SAS9 was used to analyze 479 valid questionnaires, and the descriptive method was used to analyze the cognition, degree of use and satisfaction. The influential factors were analyzed by multivariate linear regression method. The test level was set as 0.05. Results The average resident age of this survey was 57.74 years. The survey found that vaccination (4.39 ± 1.64) had the highest score of awareness, the highest score of 3.18 ± 2.41 for basic medical services (4.76 ± 0.43), and the highest average score of 4.76 ± 0.43 for family doctor services. The number of visits, the type of household registration, the educational level, the factors influencing the awareness of residents’ community health services by the first referral agency, the age, gender, the number of visits, the type of household registration, the types of medical insurance, whether they have chronic diseases, Factors influencing the degree of community health service use, age, sex, type of medical insurance and the first agency of disease are the influencing factors of residents’ community health service satisfaction. Conclusion The community health service center is the primary first-aid agency with better accessibility of services. The residents have different awareness of community health services and the overall utilization rate is low. The residents’ community health service satisfaction is generally good. The awareness, use Degree and satisfaction have different influence factors.
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