Wollastonite is currently used in many ways, both as a filler for dyestuffs, plastics and rubbers, and as a substitute for various cellulosic materials. In addition, wollastonite is also used as a component of glass and ceramic products. Ontario has a large wollastonite deposit located at the entrance to Mmormore, 175 kilometers northeast of Toronto. According to geological conditions, this deposit is produced in the contact zone between granite and carbonate rock. There is a clear zonation in the newly formed skarn. The wollastonite belt adjoins granite, followed by diopside and tremolite belt, followed by unaltered dolomite-quartz-calcite rock formation. According to the chemical composition, mineral composition and particle size, the deposit of the ore has good selectivity, mainly by flotation method. Concentrates suitable for use as ceramic filler.