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随着房地产企业之间的竞争日益激烈,企业要想在市场中占据优势地位,关键在于人才优势,即如何更好地吸引、使用和留住优秀的员工是至关重要的。而股权激励的有效设计与应用为企业招、留、用员工增加了优势,并能够有效地解决委托代理制应用中出现的不良问题。同时,企业应用股权激励制的优势是否能够真正发挥其积极作用,取决于股权激励在企业中的适用性分析、有效设计及其是否能够与企业当前的内外部环境相契合。基于此,本文在对股权激励概述的基础上,对其在非上市房地产企业内应用的适用性进行分析,并设计与企业相契合的股权激励模式,以求为现有的非上市房地产企业股权激励的应用提供借鉴与指导。 With the increasingly fierce competition among real estate enterprises, the key for enterprises to occupy a dominant position in the market is the talent advantage. That is, how to attract, use and retain excellent employees is crucial. However, the effective design and application of equity incentive can increase the advantages for employees and retain employees, and can effectively solve the problems appearing in the application of principal-agent system. At the same time, whether the advantage of the system of equity incentive can really play its positive role depends on the analysis of the applicability of equity incentive in the enterprise, the effective design and whether it can fit with the current internal and external environment of the enterprise. Based on this, based on the overview of equity incentive, this paper analyzes the applicability of its application in non-listed real estate enterprises, and designs the pattern of equity incentive in line with the enterprise in order to obtain the equity of the existing unlisted real estate enterprises Incentive applications provide guidance and guidance.
<正> 铁蛋白在各种生物种系中分布很广,从霉菌到哺乳动物,以至人类各种器官及组织内,都含有这种铁-蛋白质复合物。已从人和动物的肝、肺、心、肾、胎盘、骨髓、胃肠粘膜、脾