编辑同志: 我发现有好些学校的小学生在上课时把手放在背后,看起来学生坐得很端正,课堂纪律也好。但是,他们每天要上好几节课,而每节课有40分钟,如果每堂课都要求学生这样坐,未免太呆板、太累人了,同时也会影响孩子生动活泼健康地成长。我认为应该让学生的两手自然地放在前面的膝上,就是他们有点动作,弄弄衣角或者玩玩手指也无多大妨害。
Editor's Comrade: I found that many primary school pupils in school put their hands behind their backs. It seems that students sit very well and classroom discipline is good too. However, they have several classes each day, and each class has 40 minutes. If each class requires students to sit in this way, it is too rigid and too tiring. At the same time, it will also affect the children's lively and healthy growth. I think students should naturally put their hands on the front of the knee, that is, they are a little bit of action, get rid of clothes or playing finger nor less prejudice.