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尽管临床医生一直在为治愈患者的疾病、挽救患者的生命而始终不懈地努力着 ,但是 ,我们常常不得不面对放弃治疗的问题。实践中 ,还真有医生主动放弃治疗的。如 1987年江西省某市一个医生在未征得病人及家属的同意就擅自终止了一晚期癌症患者的一切治疗 ,病人家属为此诉至法院 , Although clinicians have been working tirelessly to cure patients’ diseases and save their lives, we often have to face the problem of giving up treatment. In practice, there are really doctors who give up treatment. For example, in 1987, a doctor in a city of Jiangxi Province arbitrarily terminated all treatment of a late-stage cancer patient without the consent of the patient and his family members.
应急地球同步业务环境卫星(GOES)成像仪这项研究,是根据现有 GOES卫星中的一颗或多颗卫星万一发生故障时可能需要一种用于气象观测的小型备用成像仪的情况而开展的.应急GOES
隐性就业是一种劳务合同关系,它使劳动者的合法权益得不到应有的保护,应当采取相应的法律对策予以解决。 Recessive employment is a kind of labor service contractual re
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