发展社会主义市场经济,需要千千万万个善经营、会管理的经营大师。 杭州市娃哈哈集团公司,从一个十年前三个人办的小学的校办企业,发展成为现在拥有职工6000余人、净资产20亿元、年产值40亿元、年创利税7亿元、跻身全国工业企业综合评价最优500家的第19位、名扬全国声震世界的中国最大食品饮料企业。这一辉煌业绩的取得,一方面反映了我
The development of a socialist market economy requires thousands of business masters who are good at managing and managing. Wahaha Group Corporation of Hangzhou has developed from a school-run enterprise of a primary school run by three people ten years ago to more than 6,000 employees, with a net asset of 2 billion yuan, an annual output value of 4 billion yuan, an annual profit-making tax of 700 million yuan, and a national reputation. The comprehensive evaluation of industrial enterprises ranked the 19th among the 500 best, and the largest food and beverage company in China, which boasts the world’s highest level of sound in the world. This brilliant achievement has reflected me on the one hand