1.新世纪 日本冈山县农业试验场石川祯治以廿世纪×长十郎育成,1945年发表。果实扁圆形、整齐,平均单果重250g,果皮黄绿色,果点较廿世纪明显,果肉黄白色,脆甜多汁,香味中等,可溶性固形物含量12%左右,果实成熟期8月中下旬,常温下可贮藏2周。该品种对黑星病、黑斑病抗性较强。是一个较好的授粉树品种。
1. The New Century Okayama Prefecture Agricultural Experimental Site Ishikawa Toshiji in the 20th century X long Jiro breeding, published in 1945. The fruit is round and neat. The average fruit weight is 250g. The peel is yellow-green. The fruit is more obvious than that in the twentieth century. The flesh is yellowish-white, crisp and sweet with juicy flavor and moderate scent. The content of soluble solids is about 12% , Can be stored at room temperature for 2 weeks. The varieties of scab, black spot resistance. Is a better species of pollination trees.