朱耷(1626—1705),江西南昌人,明太祖第十六子宁献王朱权后裔。自幼受善书画的祖父、父亲的影响,“八岁即能诗,善书法,工篆刻,尤精绘事”。明亡后,19岁的朱耷隐居奉新山中,不久,削发为僧,后又还俗。 朱耷以擅长花鸟画和山水画著称,尤精花鸟画。笔墨简括放纵,冷峭、凝练,别具灵奇。他的别号很多,“八大山人”是其中之一。 朱耷传世作品不少,花鸟画尤多。从这些花鸟作品里,可看到早、中、晚期画风大不相同,审美情趣各异。尤其是中晚期更形成了自己独特的艺术特色,早期即50岁前多画松、竹、梅、花卉等,其画风继承徐渭,笔墨劲挺有力,工致精细。50岁至65岁之间为
Zhu 耷 (1626-1705), Nanchang, Jiangxi, Ming Taizu, the son of the King Zhijin rather descendants. Influenced by his grandfather and father, who was painterly painting and calligraphy since childhood, he was able to poem and calligraphy at the age of eight. After the death of the Ming Dynasty, 19-year-old Zhu Mi secluded in Johor Bahru, and shortly afterward, shaved hair was monk and later repressed. Zhu Xi is good at flower and bird painting and landscape painting, especially flowers and birds painting. Pen and ink simple indulgence, cold, concise, not unique. His alias is many, “Badashanren” is one of them. A lot of works of Zhu Xi passed away, especially birds and flowers. From these flowers and birds works, you can see the early, middle and late style very different, different aesthetic taste. Especially in the late even formed its own unique artistic features, early that 50 years ago, painting more pine, bamboo, plum, flowers, etc., its style of inheritance Xu Wei, pen strong, workmanship is fine. Between 50 and 65 years old