1998年9月23日至9月25日江苏某市一中心小学发生一起疑似食物中毒事件,发病治疗者164人,另有轻微症状者357人。经调查分析认为是一起因蜡样芽孢杆菌介水传播所引起的感染性中毒事件,现将调查情况报告如下:1 发生经过1998年9月23日下午2点左右,?
From September 23 to September 25, 1998, a suspected food poisoning incident occurred in a central primary school in a certain city of Jiangsu. There were 164 persons who were diagnosed and treated, and 357 persons with mild symptoms. According to the investigation and analysis, the case of infectious poisoning caused by the spread of water by Bacillus cereus is reported as follows: 1 After 2 o’clock on September 23, 1998,