The track of Typhoon Haitang (0505), which passed through the Taiwan Island and landed again,has been successfully simulated by using the non-hydrostatic mesoscale atmospheric model MM5. Itsstructure is analyzed on the landing stage, and it is found that there exist good relationships between thetyphoon abnormal moving track and its asymmetry structure. The effect of terrain of Taiwan Island on thetyphoon Haitang, which made it rotate before landing and present a "V" type abnormal moving track inTaiwan straits, has also been simulated. Further analysis shows that the terrain of Taiwan Island not onlydirectly affects the typhoon moving track, but also changes the typhoon track by affecting its asymmetricstructure. Therefore, the typhoon asymmetric structure and the effect of terrain of Taiwan Island togetherresults in the abnormal rotating track. The terrain of Taiwan Island tends to increase the SW-NEasymmetric structure of the typhoon and has different effect on SE-NW asymmetric structure during thelandfall process of typhoon Haitang before entering and moving out of the Taiwan straits.