Mv Summer Holidavs我的暑假

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  My Summer Holidays
  In my summer holidays, I like to travel with my parents, to such wonderful places as Qingdao, Beijing and Nanjing. They are such beautiful places that they give us a lot of joys.
  During the rest of holidays, I will have a lot of other things to do. In the morning, I will do my homework, such as Chinese, math, English and so on. After I finish my homework, I will read some books. I like reading very much because I can learn a lot from the books. In the afternoon, I will watch TV, from which I can learn what is happening around the world. There are also many good programmes on TV. I like to watch them very much because they bring me a lot of joys.
  What a happy holiday it will be!
【栏目要求】  1. 将学生习作根据中考分值给出成绩; 2. 在应该修改的地方划线并标注序号;  3. 根据所标序号进行修改并说明修改的理由; 4. 给学生习作点评;  5. 请点评名师提供简历一份,包括:学校、职务、 职称、荣誉、教研教学成果、照片一张。  来稿请寄: 430079 华中师范大学外国语学院《中学生英语》 杂志社 编辑部 收  本期点评名师  姜经志 男,中学英语高级教师、安徽省骨
Achilles was an archery3 teacher in a sports school and had trained many great archers. So many parents sent their children to him. One morning, Achilles took the students to a tall tree for training.
【中考英语完形填空专项精练参考答案】  (一) 1~5 ABCBC 6~10 ABADA11~15 BDDAB  (二) 1~5 ADCAD 6~10 CABBA11~15 CBDAD  (三) 1~5 BABDC 6-10 BCBAC 11~15 CDABC  (四) 1~5 BACDC 6~10 BADBA11~15 ACBDC  (五) 1~5 BCACA 6-10 CABDB11~15 D
【2016中考英语语篇及作文专项训练(九)  参考答案】  一、完形填空。  1~5 BABCD 6~10 BCDAC  11~15 CDABD  二、阅读理解。  1~5 DBDBC 6~10 DABDC  11~15 BACDA  三、阅读理解填词。  1. failed 2. months 3. proud 4. quick 5. language 6. show  7. weak 8. f
A day is made up of hundreds of small decisions. I’ll wear this; I’ll buy this; I’ll have this for lunch; I’ll go here at 3’oclock; I’ll respond to this e-mail; I’ll delete this one.  一天是由上百个小的决定组成的。我
【栏目要求】  1. 将学生习作根据中考分值给出成绩; 2. 在应该修改的地方划线并标注序号;  3. 根据所标序号进行修改并说明修改的理由; 4. 给学生习作点评;  5. 请点评名师提供简历一份,包括:学校、职务、职称、荣誉、教研教学成果、照片一张。  投稿邮箱: [email protected][email protected]  来稿请寄: 430079 华中师范大学外国语学院《中学生英语
题记:四十载风雨,吹来道道彩虹,改革促发展,送教扶民智;七十万儿女,拥趸百里杜鹃,民进好老师,艳比映山红。  近年来,民进宿迁市委会积极响应民进中央号召,扎实开展“同心·彩虹行动”各项工作,与贵州金沙县沙土镇民协小学师生们同心追逐梦想、共架彩虹桥梁。  倾心援助,捐资捐物略尽绵薄之力  2015年以来,宿迁民进积极响应民进中央、民进江苏省委会“同心·彩虹行动”号召,與民协小学签署了“新一轮三年提升
1. Not putting name on a test.  There are times when failing to put your name on a test will result in a failing grade.  Solution: Always write your name on a test before you get started!  1. 试卷没写名字。 
摘 要 小学语文写作,同学们已经达到了一定的练习熟练度,各种写作技巧大家都能够熟练应用来表达自己的情感,这一阶段同学们的进一步写作学习,对提升同学们的写作能力至关重要。然而当下很多的语文教师对同学们的写作题材和内容有很大的限制,很多都是基于应试教育的想法来进行规定的,这让同学们在写作过程中不能够充分发挥自己的写作思维。语文老师可以在教学中让同学们采用生活化的教学方式,在写作过程中将生活带入写作,让
出生日期:2004年4月15日  座右铭:命运掌握在自己手中。  就读学校班级:湖北省十堰市郧阳区杨溪中学  九(2)班  指导老师:韩天福  Great changes have taken place in my hometown since 30 years ago.  In the past, the living conditions were very poor. There were