以郑单958为材料,用浓度为10 mg/L的6-苄基腺嘌呤(6-BA)溶液在玉米灌浆期(花后40 d)浇灌根系,研究6-BA对玉米根系与叶片衰老及产量形成的影响。结果表明,花后6-BA灌根处理能延缓玉米根系的衰老,使收获期单株总根长显著高于对照,增长48%,其中,轴根长与对照相比差异不显著,侧根长显著高于对照。6-BA灌根处理同样延缓叶片衰老,使成熟期绿叶面积增加。6-BA灌根处理显著增加吐丝期-成熟期植株吸氮量和植株干物质积累量,不影响营养器官中氮素与干物质的转运。6-BA灌根处理显著提高单株子粒产量,与对照相比增产16%,其中,主要是百粒重的增加,同时保持子粒中氮浓度不变。通过细胞分裂素延缓后期根系衰老,可能是协调玉米后期氮素吸收与转运、提高玉米子粒产量的一条途径。
The effects of 6-BA on the root system and leaf senescence of maize were studied on the basis of Zhengdan 958 with 6- benzyl adenine (6-BA) solution at a concentration of 10 mg / L during the grain filling stage (40 d after anthesis) And the impact of yield formation. The results showed that 6-BA post-anthesis treatment could delay the senescence of maize roots, and the total root length at harvest was significantly higher than that of the control, increasing by 48%. There was no significant difference in root length between the two treatments Significantly higher than the control. 6-BA irrigation treatment also delayed leaf senescence, the mature green leaf area increased. 6-BA irrigation treatment significantly increased nitrogen uptake and plant dry matter accumulation at the silking stage-mature stage, but did not affect the transport of nitrogen and dry matter in vegetative organs. 6-BA treatment significantly increased grain yield per plant, with an increase of 16% compared with the control, with an increase of 100-grain weight, while keeping the nitrogen concentration in the grain unchanged. Delaying post-root senescence by cytokinin may be a way to coordinate nitrogen uptake and translocation in later maize and increase maize grain yield.