报载 :四川某县在积极探索新形势下加强和改进思想政治工作新办法、新途径的过程中 ,在全县两万多党员干部中开展“一想三问”活动。他们要求党员干部重温党章和入党誓词 ,想一想 :昨天我说了什么?今天我做了什么?明天我将留下什么?进而再扪心自问 :入党为了什么?在职干了
The newspaper said: In a county in Sichuan actively exploring new ways and ways to strengthen and improve ideological and political work in the new situation, it carried out the activity of “one question and three questions” among the more than 20,000 party members and cadres throughout the county. They demanded that party members and cadres review the party constitution and join the party oath and think about it: What did I say yesterday? What did I do today? What will I leave tomorrow? And then ask yourself: Why join the party? Working on the job