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俄罗斯文学知识分子题材是俄罗斯思想有关“现代性”思索的艺术载体,是审美地探究俄罗斯知识分子问题的重要渠道。俄罗斯现代化的历史发展与俄罗斯知识分子的历史不可分割地联系在一起,俄罗斯知识分子既是俄罗斯历史文化的建构者、又是它的载体和解构者。他们强烈的使命感、精英意识。对于道德伦理和美学的至高追求;他们在文化上的“无根性”以及极端主义都使得俄罗斯知识分子在俄罗斯现代化道路选择上历经坎坷。本文在广阔的文化历史语境中,对俄罗斯文学知识分子题材进行整体观照,通过对几种形象集群的分类梳理,以及对各形象集群在主题层次、情节结构、形象模式等文本诗学范式的提炼,力求把握俄罗斯文学知识分子题材的伦理价值和美学特质。 The theme of Russian literary intellectuals is the art carrier of thinking about “modernity” in Russian thought and an important channel for exploring the question of Russian intellectuals aesthetically. The historical development of Russia’s modernization is inextricably linked with the history of Russian intellectuals. Russian intellectuals are not only the constructors of Russian historical culture, but also the carrier and deconstruction of Russian intellectuals. Their strong sense of mission, elite awareness. The highest pursuit of moral ethics and aesthetics; their cultural “rootlessness” and extremism have caused the Russian intellectuals to experience difficulties in the road to modernization of Russia. In a broad cultural and historical context, this thesis makes an overall survey of the themes of Russian literary intellectuals. Through the classification and categorization of several image clusters, as well as the textual poetics paradigm such as theme hierarchy, plot structure and image mode Refinement, and strive to grasp the ethical values ​​and aesthetic characteristics of the themes of Russian literary intellectuals.