
来源 :现代生物医学进展 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mingliqq
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彭加木,一个新中国科学家的典型代表,在那物质条件极其匮乏,科研实验条件简陋的艰苦岁月,他以科学的态度,顽强拼搏、吃苦耐劳的精神,奋战在科研的第一线上。连病魔也不能将其从科研的前线拉回,最后,他长眠于自己的科研阵地上。也正是因为中国当时有一大批这样的科学家,我们才能取得当时国外认为我们不可能取得的研究成果,才能树立中国这样一个大国形象,才能在一穷二白的基础上,建立起一套像样的科研体系。而今,他离去我们很多年以后,我们发现,我们现在缺乏的,正是他的那种精神,那种纯粹、和利益毫无半点关系、吃苦耐劳的科研精神,希望这种精神,不会因为他的逝去而远高。关于他的失踪,社会各界都给予的广泛的关注,其所在单位,其他探险队,曾多次搜寻他的下落,当今的互联网,时不时有发现他遗体的消息,且不论这些消息是否真实准确,从大家不断的关注和搜寻中,我们可以看出,我们没有忘记他,我们在搜寻他的下落,也在搜寻他的精神,希望他的精神能够代代相传,永远支撑着中国的科学家不断前行。 Peng Jiamu, a typical representative of a new Chinese scientist, fought in the front line of scientific research with a scientific attitude, tenacious struggle and hard-working spirit in the arduous years when the material conditions were extremely scarce and the experimental conditions for scientific research were poor. Even the sick can not pull it back from the front of the scientific research, and finally, he sleeps in his scientific research positions. It is precisely because there were a large number of such scientists in China at that time that we could obtain the research results that foreign countries thought we could not achieve at that time and establish a big power like China so as to establish a decent scientific research system on the basis of poverty and lousyness. Now, many years after he left us, we found that what we lack now is precisely the kind of spirit that he is, that kind of pure and interest-minded scientific spirit of hard-working, and hope that this spirit will not Because of his passing away. With regard to his disappearance, extensive attention has been given by all circles of society. His unit and other expeditions have searched his whereabouts many times. Today’s Internet has found his body remains from time to time, and no matter whether the news is true or not, From our constant attention and search, we can see that we have not forgotten him. We are searching for his whereabouts. He is also searching for his spirit. He hopes his spirit can be handed down from generation to generation and will always support Chinese scientists constantly. Row.
新的《姻登记条例》于2003年10月1日起实施,各地掀起结婚高潮.但一些“新现象”也令人担心。 离婚没有缓冲期。以前夫妻离婚须由所在单位、村委会或者居委会出具介绍信.经村