李根源(1879—1965),字印泉,号高黎贡山人,即腾冲曲石人。早年毕业于日本士官学校,回国后任云南陆军讲武堂监督、总办,云南军政府军政总长兼参议院议长,驻粤滇军总司令,农商总长,云贵监察使,代国务院总理等。 李根源是一位爱国主义者。在抗战时期,民族危亡之际,他不屈服于敌寇的淫威,有中华民族的骨气,有深厚的爱国爱乡激情,率领民众,奋起抗战,功绩卓著。在苏州他参加群众大会,发表抗日言论,支持抗日军队,捐输棉衣物品,救护伤员,参与营救爱国人士沈钧儒等,且冒敌机轰炸之危险,奔赴前线
Li Genyuan (1879-1965), the word Indian Springs, No. Gaoligongshan, Tengchong Qu stone. He graduated from a Japanese noncommissioned officer school early. After returning to his homeland, he was supervised by the Army of Lushan Army in Yunnan Province and supervised by the Army General Office of Yunnan Army. He was also the chief of the military and political affairs of the Yunnan Military Government and the president of the Senate. He was the commander-in-chief of the Yunnan-Yunnan Army, the chief executive of the agricultural sector, the chief supervisor of Yunnan-Guizhou Affairs and the premier of the State Council. Li Genyuan is a patriot. During the war of resistance against Japan and the nation’s demise, he did not give in to the despotic power of the enemy invaders, has the backbone of the Chinese nation, has a profound passion for patriotism and love of the country, leads the people and rises in resistance. In Suzhou, he attended mass meetings, published anti-Japanese remarks, supported the anti-Japanese army, donated cotton items, rescued the wounded, involved in rescuing Shen Junru, a patriotic person, etc., and took the risk of enemy bombing and went to the front