多经理人把每一份工作都当作是一块踏脚石,一个暂时的职业建造工程,这种心态是极佳的。而大多数领导也把经理人——即使是表现极为出色的——也只看作是填充分配任务的棋子。那么,你怎样应对被解雇,才是最正确的?1 泰然处之,沉着应战。抑制住首先闪过你脑海里的冲动。联系一个替高层经理协商离职金的律师,不要召集同事、发电子邮件,或与记者联系。在接下来的48小时内,人们会与你联系,你什么话也不用说直到签好离职合同。2 在雇佣合同中嵌入终止条款。在刚被雇佣或提升时,需要签订一份新雇佣合同,把你的退出条款嵌入协定中是可能的。这让你遭受解雇时,可以得到一笔满意的离职金。3 重视自己的人际网络建设。把人际网络当成一门学科,而不是无计划的活动。每周两次的日历注释提醒你和网络中的朋友联系,尤其是那些本身就有强烈网络意识的经理人,或者
The multi-manager regards every job as a stepping stone, a temporary career construction project, and this mentality is excellent. Most leaders also see managers, even if they perform extremely well, only as pawns that fill assignments. So, how do you react to being fired? That’s the right thing to do?1 Take it easy and calmly. Suppress the urge to flash through your mind first. Contact a lawyer who negotiates a severance payment for a senior manager. Do not call a colleague, send an e-mail, or contact a reporter. In the next 48 hours, people will contact you. You don’t have to say anything until you sign a departure contract. 2 Embed termination clauses in employment contracts. When you are just hired or promoted, you need to sign a new employment contract and it is possible to embed your exit clause in the agreement. This allows you to get a satisfactory severance pay when you are fired. 3 Pay attention to the construction of your own network. Think of the interpersonal network as a discipline, not an unplanned activity. A twice-weekly calendar comment reminds you to contact friends on the network, especially those who themselves have strong network awareness, or