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东郊区潘庄中学始建于1967年,原为小学戴帽,1976年同小学分设。时至今日,已成为有22个教学班,937名学生,100名教职工的完中校。1983年调整领导班子之前,校舍破,学校乱,教师散,家长怨。教育教学质量在全区处于下游。1983年初中五率评比名列全区最后,初中毕业班升学考试及格率为零。有的家长打了个比喻:“潘庄中学得了‘癌症’,没治了。”师生自卑感较重。经过三年的艰苦奋斗,潘庄中学无论在校容校貌,校风校纪,还是在教育质量方面,都发生了巨大变化,取得了显著成绩。1986年初中毕业班及格率已上升到62%,初中五率评比跃居全区第四,基本上摘掉了落 The eastern suburb of Panzhuang Middle School was founded in 1967. It used to be a primary school cap and was divided into elementary schools in 1976. Today, it has become a full-time secondary school with 22 classes, 937 students, and 100 faculty. Before adjusting the leadership team in 1983, school buildings were broken, schools were chaotic, teachers scattered, and parents complained. The quality of education and teaching is at the lower reaches of the district. At the beginning of 1983, the rate for the second half of the year ranked the last in the district, and the pass rate for the entrance examination for junior high school graduates was zero. Some parents made a metaphor: “Panzhuang had ”cancer“ and he was not cured.” The sense of inferiority of teachers and students is heavier. After three years of hard work, Panzhuang Middle School has undergone tremendous changes in its school appearance, school discipline, and quality of education, and has achieved remarkable results. The passing rate of the middle school graduating class in early 1986 has risen to 62%, and the rate for junior high school has risen to the fourth place in the region, and it has basically taken off.
编辑同志: 拜读了您的来信及王老师的文章。我在《如此道理不能成立》一文中,评论学生的算式及教师的判断,确有欠妥当之处。王老师的意见是正 Editor comrades: Please rea
1921年 《到省议会旁听》 (诗)作于1921,11,19,载 1921,11,22{时事新报·学灯》。 《小诗》 作于1921,11,21,载1922,2,15, 《诗》第1卷第2号。 《小朋友》(诗)作于1921,11,24
1.用“Let’s”开头的祈使句。若要使语气婉转,可在句尾加“shall we?”“OK?”。 Let’s see the play at the Grand,shall we?咱们去大剧院看戏,好吗? Let’s cross over,
今年五月在富宁县召开的全省排除中小学危房现场会后,东川市党政领导听取了会议精神的汇报,下决心尽快解决本市的学校危房问题,同时认为在地方财力不足的情况下,要解决危 I
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