匈牙利国家技术发展委员会根据对国际经验和匈牙利研究所活动的分析,提出了建立技术开发企业的建议,作为促进科研成果加速用于实际的一种措施。这类企业的活动实质上是属工程性质的。它们具有企业特征,寻求创新源泉与技术创新成果,同时又评价其推广的可能性,指导其迅速应用和有效应用的过程。技术开发企业的基本组织形式有: 国营企业由国家机关(中央各部、地方政府)组建,也可由现有国营企业改组而成。合作社、合作社联合社、小合作社小合作社的成员可以是社里专职工作的公民,也
Based on an analysis of international experience and activities of the Hungarian Institute of Research, the Hungarian National Commission for Technology Development proposed the establishment of a technology development enterprise as a measure to accelerate the use of scientific research results in practical applications. The activities of such enterprises are essentially engineering. They have the characteristics of enterprises, seek for the source of innovation and technological innovation achievements, and at the same time evaluate the possibility of their promotion and guide their rapid application and effective application process. The basic organizational forms of technological development enterprises are: State-owned enterprises are established by state organs (central ministries, local governments), and may also be reorganized from existing state-owned enterprises. Members of cooperatives, cooperatives, and small cooperatives may be citizens who work full-time in the community.