3月10日的南京春意渐浓。在前来参加梦网 SP 诚信联盟的各大 CEO 当中,杨镭说他至少占了两个之最,除了是使掌上灵通成为国内最早一家凭借无限增值概念登陆纳斯达克的掌舵人之外,他还是在现役 CEO 中,每天发短消息数量最多的 CEO。“我每个月要发将近2000条。”杨镭微笑。杨镭说他是个性情中人,会在刚醒一睁眼时就想着这样玩手机好不好,十分钟没有电话或没有短信就会怀疑自己电话有问题了。他还喜欢看戏,即使是在说服投资者为掌上灵通投资的间隙中,他也会陪妻子一起到百老汇看音乐剧《妈妈咪呀》,会忙中偷闲去听王菲的演唱会。他说,自己一方面是个听朱哲琴的《丹顶鹤》就会流泪的人,另一方面喜欢玩移动宠物。“单位里的员工很多人都不叫我老板,而是叫我‘老
On March 10th, the springtime in Nanjing rose. In the major CEOs who came to participate in the Monternet SP Integrity Alliance, Yang Lei said that he accounts for at least two of the most, in addition to making Palm Connect the first domestic company to use the infinite value-added concept at the helm of the Nasdaq. He is still the chief CEO of active duty and sends the CEO with the most short messages every day. ”I have to send nearly 2000 every month.“ ”Yang Lei smiled.“ Yang Lei said that he is a personal lover and would just think of playing such a mobile phone when he just woke up. If there is no phone or no text message in ten minutes, he suspects that there is a problem with his phone. He also likes to watch a movie. Even in the gap that convinces investors to invest in Linktone, he will accompany his wife to Broadway to see the musical “Mamma Mia” and he will sneak in to listen to Faye Wong’s concert. He said that on the one hand, he is a person who listens to Zhu Zheqin’s ”Red-Crowned Crane“ who will cry. On the other hand, he likes to play mobile pets. ”A lot of employees in the unit do not call my boss, but call me ‘old