经过长达两年的酝酿和准备,美国联邦政府于1992年12月2日正式宣布实施新的食品标签法令,从而开始了对食品标签近二十年来的最广泛最深刻的改革。此项改革不仅对美国食品业有重大影响,而且对我国食品出口也关系重大,我国对美出口食品也必须符合此项法令。 新的食品标签法令于1992年12月2日宣布,1994年5月8日起,美国市场上所有的包装食品,包括全部进口食品,都必须强制使用新的标签。同时,加拿大、日本、澳大利亚及欧洲一些发达国家,亦在酝酿实施新的食品标签法令。为了高起点发展我国食
After two years of deliberation and preparation, the federal government officially announced the implementation of the new food labeling act on December 2, 1992, thus starting the most extensive and profound reform of food labeling in the past 20 years. This reform not only has a significant impact on the food industry in the United States, but also has a great bearing on the export of food in China. China’s export of food to the United States must also comply with this decree. The new Food Labeling Act announced on December 2, 1992 that on May 8, 1994, all packaged foods in the United States market, including all imported foods, would have to be compulsory for the use of new labels. Meanwhile, some developed countries in Canada, Japan, Australia and Europe are also brewing new food labeling laws. For a high starting point to develop our food