《清史稿 艺文志》与《四库全书总目》著录清代小说之比较

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《四库全书总目》著录清代小说34部,除《山海经广注》在“正目”内,其余33部皆入《存目》。这与《总目》编纂的主导思想有关。在限制规模、贵远贱近及压制民族思想等主要因素的情况下进行选录,学术地位相对卑微的小说,又属于易代创作之际的近代小说,自然不可能位处“正目”。另外,由于清代小说的著述内容、创作体例、思想等,与纪昀等人的小说观念多有抵触,因而被退入“存目”。《清史稿·艺文志》著录成书于四库征书之年(1778年)以前的小说共22部,失录《总目》著录的小说14部。《清史志》著录的缺漏与其编纂背景有莫大关系,在动荡不安、经费不足、列强掠夺书籍等情况下,史馆面临采书的困难。此外,小说观念的不同而导致分类不一,也是一个原因。《清史志》著录而《总目》不录的共有8部。除了分类不一的因素导致差异,也因为《总目》不录传奇,并将含有离经叛道思想的小说或是记载了贰臣、悖逆之人等人物的小说一概摒除在外。而《清史志》编纂时,传奇小说的创作达到了空前的发展,并被普遍认可,更没有明清易代之际的敏感问题存在,故著录情况有所不同。 “Sikuquanshuzongmu” recorded 34 novels in the Qing Dynasty, except “Shan Hai Jing Zhuang” in the “head”, and the remaining 33 are all “depositors.” This is related to the guiding principle of “Head” compilation. It is naturally impossible to locate the novel with relatively limited academic status and modern novels in the era of Yi to be creative in the context of limiting the scale, . In addition, because Qing dynasty novel’s writing content, creation style, thought and so on are in conflict with Ji Yun et al’s novel idea, it was withdrawn into the “depository”. “History of the Qing Dynasty manuscripts recorded” recorded in the library collected in the library of the year (1778) a total of 22 novels, lost the “Head” 14 fiction. The historical records of “History of the Qing Dynasty” are closely related to the background of their compilation. Under the circumstance of turmoil, lack of funds and plunder of books by the powers, the History Museum is faced with the difficulty of collecting books. In addition, the different concepts of the novel led to different categories, but also a reason. “Qing Shi Zhi” recorded and “Head” does not record a total of eight. In addition to the differences in the classification of different factors, but also because the “head” does not record the legend, and will contain deviant thoughts or novels written Erfu, rebellious people and other figures are simply excluded. The “Qing Shi Zhi” compilation, the creation of the legendary novel reached an unprecedented development, and is generally recognized, but there is no clear sense of the occasion of the Ming and Qing Dynasties of sensitive issues exist, so the description of the situation is different.