作为整个晚清时期散文创作主流的“新文体” ,因与长期在文坛上占据正统地位的“桐城派”散文的尖锐对立、且有取而代之的力量和趋势 ,在其发展的各阶段中 ,必然招致了它的对立面人物的种种诋诬、攻击 ,即所谓的“恶评”。问题的深刻性还在于 :对“新文体”予以各种“恶评”的 ,大都为晚清思想文化界的有代表性的重要人物 ,而且由于他们的政治立场和思想文化倾向各不相同 ,着眼点多有区别 ,因此这些“恶评”的思想文化内涵也就是显得格外的丰富和复杂。
As the main body of the new style of prose writing throughout the late Qing dynasty, the “new style of writing”, which is sharply opposed to the “Tongcheng School” essay that has long held a dominant orthodox position in the literary world, has the power and tendency to replace it. In all stages of its development, It has caused all sorts of slander, attack, and so-called “bad reviews” of its opposites. The profound nature of the problem lies in the fact that most “bad reviews” of the “new style of writing” are mostly representative and important figures of the ideological and cultural circles in the late Qing Dynasty. Because of their different political positions and ideological and cultural tendencies, There are many differences between the points of view. Therefore, the ideological and cultural connotations of these “bad comments” also become exceptionally rich and complex.