我县种蘑菇已有二十多年历史,菇床的四周都是用有眼的废铁皮或秸草栏边,仅此一项所化的人工和材料费约0.05元/尺~2。1984年栽秋菇,我们推广了用泥土拌秸草涂抹在菇床四周的培养料上,不但省本,且又能使菇床四周也长蘑菇,一般能增收0.20~0.30元/尺~2。这一年全县推广了20%,仅这项措施就增收了30多万元。如唐行乡菇农盛根发和华亭乡菇农孙台舍各种植1000尺~2,他们采收的泥边菇收入竟达300多元.现将具体做法介绍如下。 1.整床料料上床后,为了便于涂抹草泥,平
My county has more than 20 years of mushroom cultivation history, mushroom bed surrounded by eye-catching scrap metal or straw fence edge, only one of the labor and materials costs about 0.05 yuan / feet ~ 2.1984 Year planted autumn mushrooms, we promote the use of soil straw mixed with mushroom material around the training material, not only save the capital, but also mushrooms around the long mushrooms, generally increase 0.20 ~ 0.30 yuan / feet ~ 2. This year, the whole county was popularized by 20%. Only this measure increased the income by more than 300,000 yuan. For example, Tanggong Township Guansong Shenggenfa and Huating Township Gunsong Sun Terrace each planted 1,000 feet ~ 2, and they collected the Mudanjiang mushrooms as much as 300 yuan in revenue. 1. After the whole bed material bed, in order to facilitate the smear of grass mud, flat