By the late 19th century, world capitalism entered the monopoly stage by free competition, which intensified the plunder of world markets. “In addition to the myriad” old “motives of colonial policy, financial capital has increased competition for raw materials sources, capital outflows, competition for the sphere of influence (that is, the scope for favorable transactions, acquisition concessions, monopoly profits, etc.) and competition General economic territory, etc. Motives of the sovereign state over the economic plunder of the colonial and semi-colonial countries shifted from the export of commodities to the capital output. During this period, China’s social economy also showed such a change. The general procedure of modern industrialization is to first develop the transportation industry. Among them, the railway as the ”traffic A" (Sun Yat-sen) plays a decisive role and profoundly affects the economic and social development of a country or a region. Mining is a big machine industry