近几年来,尽管国家和各级政府, 加大了对未成年人的保护力度,但并没达到建设平安校园的目的。2005年 10月25日到11月14日,不到一个月时间,就在四川、安徽、山西发生三起楼梯踩踏事故和交通事故,共造成中小学生29伤、28死的重大群死群伤事故。据1月4日光明日报报道,全国每年约有1.6万名中小学生非正常死亡,相当于每天有一个班的未成年人在不安全的因素中离我们远去。分析研究得出的结果却令人吃惊:即酿成未成年人种种不安全事故的责任, 60%以上是由未成年人个体即主观自我酿成的。
In recent years, despite the efforts of the state and governments at all levels to increase the protection for minors, it has not reached the goal of building a safe campus. From October 25 to November 14, 2005, in less than a month, three stampede and traffic accidents occurred in Sichuan, Anhui and Shanxi Provinces, causing 29 primary and secondary school students and 28 major death and mass casualties ACCIDENT. According to the Guangming Daily on January 4, there are about 16,000 primary and secondary non-normal deaths per year in the country, which means that minors who have one class a day are far away from us in a factor of insecurity. The result of the analysis and study is surprising: more than 60% of the responsibility for causing unsafe accidents among minors is caused by the subjective self of minors.