汉防己甲素是由防己科植物千金藤属粉防己Stephania tetrandra S.Moor.块根中提取而得的生物碱。千金藤属植物在我国民间早有抗癌的说法,而粉防己系我国常用的中药材,主治水肿,风湿性关节炎,痈疮肿毒等症在国内外抗癌药理工作基础上,于1975年推荐上临床后,发现它与小剂量放射合并治疗肺癌有显著疗效,继而又发现它对直肠癌也有一定疗效,最近又报导它对矽肺,肺结核均有特殊效果,是一药理作用较广的药物,又由于它在用药剂量范围内几乎无毒副反应,特别是没有骨髓抑制,因而
Tetrandrine is an alkaloid extracted from the roots of stephania tetrandra S. Moor. Thousands of plants have long been known as anti-cancer in China’s civil society, while Fenfenjiu is a Chinese herbal medicine commonly used in China. It is used in 1975 for edema, rheumatoid arthritis, and boil-swelling poisoning on the basis of anticancer pharmacological activities at home and abroad. After being recommended for clinical use, it was found to have a significant effect in combination with low-dose radiation therapy for lung cancer, and it was also found to have a certain effect on rectal cancer. Recently, it was also reported to have a special effect on silicosis and tuberculosis. It is a pharmacologically effective one. The drug, because of its almost non-toxic side effects within the dose range, especially without myelosuppression,