利用某些植物有效成分对钉螺的毒杀作用进行灭螺 ,可有效地减轻化学药物灭螺方法对环境的污染和对人畜的毒害。现有利用植物灭螺的方法 ,一般是采用提取植物有效成分或利用植物浸出液杀灭钉螺[1、3] 。本文研制了一种目前尚未见报导的利用夹竹桃 (Neriumindicum)
The use of certain plant active ingredients on snail poisoning effect of snail killing, which can effectively reduce the pollution caused by chemical snail snail method and the human and livestock poisoning. The existing methods of using plants to kill snails are generally to extract the active ingredients of plants or use plant leachate to kill snails [1,3]. This article has developed a so far not yet reported the use of oleander (Neriumindicum)